Yes, it has been almost 2 months since my last post. Let's just pick up at current events...maybe I'll get around to filling in the gaps someday. Just not today. I'm having a hard time typing (more on that in the next paragraph).
Here are some pictures of the trick-or-treaters:
Brandon (Indiana Jones) and Lindsay (cheerleader)

Friday night was Halloween. Brandon dressed up as Indiana Jones and Lindsay was a cheerleader. The scariest part of the night was when I cut off the tip of my finger. While attempting to poke a hole in Brandon's belt, the scissors slipped and cut off the tip of my left pointer finger. Moral of the story: margaritas + sharp instruments = trouble.

Sam (ninja), Lindsay, Brandon, Thomas (burglar) and Charlie (football player)
Saturday Brandon's baseball team won their baseball game. They are currently in 2nd place in their division and on quite a winning streak. Brandon went 2 for 3 at the plate and caught a pop fly at 2nd base. I have been taking a lot of pictures of his team to make an album for the coach as an end of the season gift. Here are some pictures from Saturday's game:

Jeff goes to Orlando today for a week long conference and is leaving me here to deal with election day on my own. Why do I have such a bad feeling about Tuesday???