Lindsay finished her last tumbling class at Woodlands Elite Cheer Company last Thursday. She will start her fall class on August 7th. She has learned SO much and has really developed her tumbling skills this summer. She took a year of gymnastics at Flips and didn't learn a thing. After 8 weeks of Woodlands Elite, she can do a backbend walkover, a handstand to a forward roll and is mastering her right and left cartwheel. The other interesting thing is that she is now constantly practicing her tumbling skills: outside on the lawn, inside on the stairs, upstairs in the gameroom. You can find Lindsay doing handstands and backbends anytime and anywhere. We are very proud of her progress!

Last week the kids completed another week of golf camp at The Woodlands Country Club. Thanks to Grandpa for carting the kids to and from camp, as well as feeding them lunch and entertaining them while I went to work and the chiropractor.
Yes, I've been spending quite a bit of time at the chiropractor. The lower back pain I've experienced since I was 15 years old has flared up again. Now it is so bad that when I sneeze or cough, sharp pain shoots down the back of my legs. After a full series of spine x-rays, my doctor determined that I have a compressed disc in my lower back (L5 maybe?). An MRI would show which way it's bulging, if it's herniated and which nerves are involved. I haven't gotten the MRI yet, but that is probably the next step. I have been taking Celebrex and getting chiropractic treatment and I feel a little better. I'm staying optimistic.
On Saturday night we tuned in to the Disney Channel to watch the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus Best of Both Worlds concert movie in 3D. How cute are the kids in their 3D glasses???

My sister, Gwen, sent me a cute garden flag with fleur de lis (my favorite) and our family initial (L) on it. Note Bella the Chihuahua in the picture. Bella is doing great and brings joy and happiness to our family every day.