Jeff and I always agreed to let Lindsay get her ears pierced when she turned 5. We were all ready to go last year on her birthday and she chickened out. So, today after gymnastics Lindsay and I are at the mall eating lunch and running errands and out of nowhere she says, "Can I get my ears pierced?" I was all, "Sure, yeah - we said you could last year remember?" She says, "I want to get my ears pierced. Today." I looked at her and asked, "Now?" and she said, "Yes, NOW."
So, off we went. I wanted to find someplace that could pierce them both at the same time. First Claire's - no luck. Second Icing - no luck. Both places only had one angst-ridden teenager working there and no one else was coming in to work for quite some time. Our last hope was Libby Lu. We enter the store and I immediately notice only one employee. But this employee wasn't an angst-ridden teenager. It was a full-grown woman. A woman who looked capable of piercing both of Lindsay's ears individually and who could do a good job. A woman who could sweet talk Lindsay into enduring the pain of the second piercing while enduring the pain of knowing what was coming.
This woman delivered. She did a fantastic job! They are evenly spaced, centered and FABULOUS! Thank you, Casey, at Libby Lu at The Woodlands Mall! And congratulations to my Lindsay Fizzle. You were so brave and I am so proud of you!