Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

To celebrate Cinco de Mayo, I made Patsy's Chicken Enchiladas and Chico came over to play. You have to have a chihuahua in the house to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, right?

Speaking of chihuahuas, last weekend Team Lemmons loaded up and drove to a farm in Plantersville, Texas where we selected the newest memeber of our family. Her name is Bella and she is almost 6 weeks old. She is a beautiful little chihuahua puppy that will come home with us by the end of the month.

This decision has been a year in the making and has involved lots of discussion, research and begging by the kids. After the Great Yellow Lab Debaucle of 2005, our family realized that a big dog would not work for us. Our kids specifically requested a dog that was calm, small, sweet, small, calm and small. Oh, and sweet.

We are frequent puppysitters for Chico, my friend's mom's chihuhua, and the kids LOVE him. He is sweet and calm and small. The kids can easily control him and aren't scared of him in any way. He is so gentle with the kids and is a big snuggler. We are hoping that he rubs off on Bella. We are
scheduled to puppysit Chico for the last week of May and Bella may already be home. We will go from a no-dog-house to a two-dog-house in the blink of an eye. Aye carumba!