Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back from camp

Brandon came home from camp last Friday. It was SO good to see him! He was very tired and wanted some peace & quiet. I'm sure two bus rides and a week with 220 other kids was loud and crazy. The funniest comment he made was about the fact that he ended up on an upper bunk.
He and his bunkmate, Will, played rock-paper-scissors to see who would get the bottom bunk. I said, "Why did you do that?" and he said that both Will's mom and I had told their sons to take the bottom bunk. I thought it was so funny that we were still being overprotective moms even when our boys were at camp! Brandon lost rock-paper-scissors and ended up on an upper bunk.
The night he came home we grilled out burgers and hotdogs with our neighbors and swam in the backyard. We watched the opening games of the Olympics and I did Brandon's camp laundry. It wasn't too much laundry considering that none of his towels made it home! Who knows what happened to them, but I made sure I sent stuff to camp that I wouldn't care to lose. I am very proud of the fact that it looked like Brandon changed his clothes/underwear at least once a day.