Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I need a vacation to recover from my vacation

This week Team Lemmons is back at it.

Brandon started a week of baseball camp at The Woodlands High School. It's called Field of Dreams Baseball Camp and is run by the varsity baseball coach named Ron Eastman. It's held at Scotland Yard (TWHS baseball field - named high school field of the year by High School Baseball Coaches Association). Every day from 9am-12pm they work on fielding, throwing, hitting and baserunning. They also cover physical & mental approaches to the game.
The first day Coach Eastman shared one of his mental approaches to baseball and also revealed why his program is always so successful. He said that baseball is a game of failure. He will sometimes put a toy toilet in the dugout and tell the guys that if they have a bad play, they should come in the dugout and flush it away. Only if you start over every inning will you be successful. I thought that was awesome and that Jeff's little league team in the fall should be introduced to the dugout toilet.

Lindsay started a week of performing arts workshops at Boni's (the dance studio where she takes classes). Their activities include everything from jazz/hip-hop to tumbling/cheerleading, karate (that's "Kara-tay" for those of you that watch Spongebob), modeling, hair & make-up and social graces. She will end the week with a catered etiquette luncheon. How cute!

Needless to say, the kids are wiped out by the end of each day.