Another crazy weekend for Team Lemmons is in the history books.
On Friday, my sister Gwen flew in from Florida (along with a weird rainstorm that sent the temperature plummeting). The whole family met up at a restaurant to eat dinner before dropping Brandon and Lindsay off at church for Parents' Night Out. Our church hosts this event on the 1st Friday of every month to give parents a break. It costs about the same as (maybe less than) a babysitter for 4 hours of adult freetime. And the kids LOVE it. They see all their church and school friends, make crafts, watch movies, etc. While the kids were at church, the adults (G&G, Jeff, Jessica and Gwen) went to see the movie 21. We all agreed it was a pretty good movie. Heck, it was good to see a movie for adults for a change!
Saturday morning Brandon had a baseball game. And all I will say about that is the Astros one game winning streak was snapped by the Angels. Lindsay's softball game ended up being rained out because of the weird weather. Many errands were run in the afternoon, dinner at G&G's and then Jeff and I rented the movie No Country for Old Men and split a bottle of really good wine.
On Sunday Lindsay attended the 5th birthday party of her friend, Eme. It was a princess themed party (what else??) and the girls had a blast. Lindsay wore her Snow White costume from her ballet recital last year. (Man, we are getting our $75 worth out of that costume! As you recall, Lindsay was Snow White for Halloween, too) There was face painting, fingernail painting and tiara making activities. The grand finale was the beautiful cupcake arrangement Eme's mom made. Well, actually the grand finale was when I backed out of their driveway and scraped my car down the side of Eme's grandma's car. Oops!

All dressed up for the party
The Princesses
What a lovely tiara you made, Lindsay!

The cupcake flower arrangement